We were welcomed to Parow with beautiful weather, as we can see by the two 40-pointers as well as number of other notable scores. The average score for the day was 28.9.
The hospitality at Parow was superb and a great day was had by all.
We had a field of 109 players. We also had four inductees as well as five visitors in the field. Congratulations to the Division winners, Hamish Longmore (37 points off 4), Hugo Vermeulen (40 points off 10) and Jan Bredenkamp (40 points off 19). Kenny Michel played excellent golf to win the Match Box. He had 20 points off a 5 handicap.
We had the honour of awarding 100 game badge to Hamish Longmore. We also had some significant Tie awards. Ken Walker (who also hit a Hole In One on the 7th hole) 35 years, Eddie Arpesella and Adrian Estcourt 25 years, Dirk Cloete and Ian Wright 20 years and Gavin Scott 15 years. Well done gentlemen.
Thank you, as always, to our local sponsors. Thank you also to our national sponsors. Our next monthly game is at Clovelley on 15 October 2020.
Yours in Nomads,
Gary Cahi
Captain: Western Province Nomads