Monthly Meeting played at Clovelly on Thursday 15 October 2020

We were welcomed to Clovelly with beautiful weather as we can see by the 40 pointer as well as a number of other notable scores. The average score for the day was 30.5 which is above average.

The hospitality at Clovelly was superb and I would like to thank Paul Stoner and Jessica Yiend for all the trouble they went to, to accommodate us and making sure that the day ran smoothly. The spirit of the day was great and fun was had by all.

We had a large field of 123 players. We also had 1 inductee, 8 visiting Nomads as well as 18 visitors in the field. Congratulations to the Division winners, James Eckley (39 pts off 6), Mike Heath (42 pts off 13) and Andrew Prior (39 pts off 22). Dean Marsberg played out of his socks to win the Match Box. 21 pts off a 14 handicap.

We had the honour of awarding 100 game badge to Dudley Meridith. Tie awards this month are Ben Venter 10 years, Graeme Cann, Mark Beeton and Craig Proctor 5 yreas. Well done gentlemen.

The “GEES” at Clovelly was awesome guys and it was great to see the camaraderie amongst the guys at the 19th hole.

Thank you, as always, to our local sponsors. Thank you also to our national sponsors. Our next monthly game is at Bellville on 19 November 2020.

Yours in Nomads

Gary Cahi

Captain: Western Province Nomads